Introduction to HTML

This basic HTML tutorial is intended for students who are just beginning their journey in web development. I target students for this series of tutorials so my discussion is simplified to its lowest level as I could.

This blog is a prelude to my other blog which aims to help students to make money with Adsense. So why students? Simple. I want to teach students how to earn money while at school. I have observed that most start their online money making activities after their graduation. So why not start as early as you are still in school?

But before that money-making stuff, you must equip first yourself with the most basic arsenal in web development - HTML.

Ok, first things first. Before we can write something for the internet, we must have the basic understanding how the internet works. To understand it better, we'll compare the internet to that of a library. The library has books, and books has pages which contain the information of whatever that book is.

The same way with the internet. In the internet, we can find websites of different topics (niche). In those websites, resides the pages which contain the information or data.

To compare them, the library itself is the internet; the books in the library are the different websites, and the pages in the books are the web pages which contain the information or data.

So what to expect here? We are going to "compose" pages which will collectively become our website. We'll be writing pages, and the role of HTML will now come into play. All pages, no matter how complicated may it look, are presented through HTML.

How does the system works? Web pages are stored in a place, specifically a remote computer, that is going to "host" your pages. These pages have their unique URL (Uniform Resource Locator) or simply their "address", so that users know where they are when they access them. To access those pages, we need to use a web browser (i.e. Internet Explorer, FireFox, Opera, Chrome, etc) that is going to interpret the codes (HTML) contained in those pages and present it in human readable form.

Ok, looking at the above scenario, this is what we are going to do: we write pages through HTML, upload them to the remote computer, then let the users view our pages through web browsers. Pretty simple, huh?

But before we finally start with our HTML tutorial, we must know first what are the basic tools in web development.